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Photo of minimal living room with off-white vinyl planks

What are the advantages of vinyl flooring?

Photo of family sitting on vinyl floor tiles



If you are not prepared to maintain natural wood flooring, you might end up dealing with pesky termites.


Fortunately, since vinyl flooring is made of polyvinyl chloride, you would never have to deal with pests in your home. At the same time, you can enjoy luxurious looking tiles.


Stain resistant

Let's be realistic - accidents cannot be avoided.


Since the topmost layer of vinyl floors is stain and scratch resistant, cleaning up spills on your vinyl flooring is a breeze.


So, you can throw home parties or keep pets without worrying whether the mess will leave a permanent mark on your beautiful floors.



Vinyl flooring is typically installed in the bedrooms of a HDB BTO flat, hence you might assume vinyl floors can only be installed in dry areas.


In actuality, vinyl floors can be installed in wet areas, e.g. toilets and kitchens. Vinyl floors are generally waterproof, and will not swell or peel when exposed to water since it is resistant to liquids.



The uppermost layer of a vinyl floor plank can be engineered with anti-slip particles. It creates more friction and better grip between your foot and the floor.


For those whose family units consist of elderlies, it is wise to invest in anti-slip vinyl floors for the home. This could prevent slip and falls at wet areas.


Low maintenance

Unlike natural wood or marble, vinyl floors do not require any specialised maintenance.


Moreover, if your vinyl planks are installed by the glueless method, it is easy to replace a broken vinyl plank. The installer can take out and replace the specific broken plank, so you do not need to redo the entire flooring just because of a blemish in an area. Moreover, you generate less waste when you replace only what you need.


Family-friendly, pet-friendly

Vinyl floors can withstand heavy foot traffic without denting. This is great for families and also perfect for the pets that run about the house.


Vinyl planks are typically manufactured with a foam backing as well to absorb impact and dampen noise. If your family unit consists of children, these foam-backed vinyl can reduce the shock impact too.


Great for health-conscious

People are aware that plastics can emit volatile organic compounds (VOC), thus polluting the air and environment with toxins.


anufacturers, aware as well of the health concerns surrounding plastic products, have striven to improve through R&D. The result is in a new generation of vinyl floor planks that are phthalate-free and have low VOC emissions. These qualities contribute to better air quality and, in turn, your health.


Variety of beautiful aesthetics

Vinyl flooring offer so many designs because the mimicked effect and aesthetics of a material are reproduced with high quality, realistic printing.


Since every consumer may look for specific flooring colours and textures for their ID concept (or even for superstitious reasons like feng shui), vinyl floor designs are very adaptable while still maintaining a luxurious look.



Vinyl floors are cheaper to install and maintain. This means you can achieve your dream interior at a wallet-friendly price, and, over the next few years, it can keep your maintenance costs low too.

The floor is the stage where everything else of a home is set upon. But good flooring is vital not only for the looks of your home.


Imagine stepping on the floor everyday for the next few years. You can see how floors are one of the things that will wear out. Hence, flooring has a functional purpose and so they must be hardy as well.


Good flooring is truly an investment in your home. And with so many advantages to offer, vinyl flooring is consistently a top choice for its beauty and functionality.

Image depicting home investment
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